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node-vibrant is a library that allows you to construct a color palette from an image.

An image of a forest with some fog and water with 6 main colors extracted from it beneath it

By default it will extract the following types of colors from an image:

  • Vibrant
  • Dark Vibrant
  • Light Vibrant
  • Muted
  • Dark Muted
  • Light Muted

These colors can then be used to adapt a user interface to the media content they’re looking at:

A mockup of music player and a news app with a cover image

This library works with the same API regardless of if you’re using it in Node.js or a modern browser.


To get started with the library, we’ll install it using the following:

Terminal window
npm install node-vibrant

We’ll need to make sure that we’re either:

Depending on your platform, you’ll need to import from a different location:

// Node.js usage
import { Vibrant } from "node-vibrant/node";
// Browser usage
import { Vibrant } from "node-vibrant/browser";

Worker Installation

Web Workers allow time-consuming operations, like image quantization, run on a separate thread than the main UI thread in JavaScript.

Workers, being imported via URL traditionally, require a bit more setup than the other two methods:

// Worker usage
import { Vibrant, WorkerPipeline } from "node-vibrant/worker";
import PipelineWorker from "node-vibrant/worker.worker?worker";
Vibrant.use(new WorkerPipeline(PipelineWorker as never));


Now that we have access to the Vibrant class instance, we have two different methods of getting our color palette:

// Using builder
.then((palette) => console.log(palette));
// Using constructor
const vibrant = new Vibrant("path/to/image", opts);
.then((palette) => console.log(palette));

Once this is done, our palette will contain the following type signature:

interface Palette {
Vibrant: Swatch;
Muted: Swatch;
DarkVibrant: Swatch;
DarkMuted: Swatch;
LightVibrant: Swatch;
LightMuted: Swatch;

Where Swatch is a class instance containing various helper properties and utilities pertaining to a color.

Swatch Usage

There are a few main utilities in Swatch that I want to highlight:

palette.Vibrant.hex; // "#rrggbb
palette.Vibrant.rgb; // [r, g, b] where r, g, and b are numbers
palette.Vibrant.hsl; // [hue, saturation, light] where all are numbers
palette.Vibrant.titleTextColor; // "#fff" (white) if the color is too dark, "#000" (black) if the background is light
palette.Vibrant.bodyTextColor; // Same as titleTextColor but with lower contrast threshold

Demo Usage

import { Vibrant } from "node-vibrant/browser";
.then(palette => {
app.innerHTML = `
<p style="background-color: ${palette.Vibrant?.hex}; color: ${palette.Vibrant?.bodyTextColor};">Vibrant</p>